Friday, May 6, 2011

Colossians 1:13-14

Chapter 1
The Incomparable Christ
13 zFor He rescued us from the abdomain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of cdHis beloved Son,  
14 ein whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. 
[Colossians 1:13-14 NASB]
z. Lit Who rescued
a. Lit authority
b. Eph 6:12
c. Lit the Son of His love
d. Eph 1:6
e. Rom 3:24

HCSB Study Bible Notes:
1:13-14 The reference to being rescued and transferred evokes OT imagery of God delivering His people from the grip of hostile oppressors (Ex 6:6; 14:30; Jdg 6:9; 8:34; Ps 18:19; 79:9; 86:14). Believers have been rescued from the realm of Satan's oppression (domain of darkness) by having been transferred to the realm of Christ, which is a kingdom "in the light" (v. 12). The means of this deliverance or exodus was accomplished at their redemption through the forgiveness of sins because of Christ's atoning work (vv. 15-22).

My Notes:

   God transfers us from the domain of darkness(our lives as lost sinners controlled by Satan and Sin) and delivers us to the kingdom of Jesus. This is done the moment we ask him into our hearts as our personal savoir. We can come as we are with just enough faith to make that first step towards Him. He is there waiting to receive us and take us from dark to light. After we are saved, with God's help, we can work towards removing the bonds of Sin and Satan's control over our life.
   Our preacher illustrated this with his son on stage. He bound him in a chair with masking tape(hands and feet) and blindfolded him. He asked him to stand up as a representation of his faith to make a decision to believe and accept Jesus Christ. Instead of freeing him of the blindfold and bonds...he simply picked him up and transferred him to the other side of the stage(from dark to light).  He then slowly helped him remove the blindfold and bindings to show how Christ helps us transform our lives and heal the wounds of our former selves. It takes time and work, but that is after salvation. The hostage needs to be evacuated as quickly as possible, then they can be tended to.

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