Friday, May 20, 2011

The Simple Truth

Chapter 10
8 But what does it say? "oTHE WORD IS NEAR YOU, IN YOUR MOUTH AND IN YOUR HEART"—that is, the word of faith which we are preaching,
 9 pthat qif you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and rbelieve in your heart that sGod raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;
 10 for with the heart a person believes, tresulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, uresulting in salvation.
 12 For xthere is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is yLord of zall, abounding in riches for all who call on Him;

[Romans 10:8-13 NASB] 

o. Deut 30:14
p. Or because
q. Matt 10:32; Luke 12:8; Rom 14:9; 1 Cor 12:3; Phil 2:11
r. Acts 16:31; Rom 4:24
s. Acts 2:24
t. Lit to righteousness
u. Lit to salvation
v. Isa 28:16; Rom 9:33
w. Lit put to shame
x. Rom 3:22, 29
y. Acts 10:36
z. Rom 3:29
a. Joel 2:32; Acts 2:21

I don't believe that anything is going to happen tomorrow, but in case you had questions about true salvation, I figured I would post this.

See this as well...My Faith

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

1 Peter
Chapter 3
15 but honor l the Messiahmn as Lord in your hearts. Always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason o for the hope that is in you.p  
16 However, do this with gentleness and respect, keeping your conscience clear,qrs so that when you are accused,t those who denounce your Christian life u will be put to shame.

[1 Peter 3:15-16 HCSB] 

l. Or sanctify; lit set apart
m. Or the Christ; the Greek word Christos means "the anointed one".
n. Other mss read set God
o. Or who demands of you an accounting
p. 1Jn 4:4
q. Lit good
r. Or keeping a clear conscience
s. Ac 23:1; 24:16; Rm 9:1; 2Co 1:12; 1Tm 1:5,19; 3:9; Heb 10:22; 1Pt 3:21
t. Other mss read when they speak against you as evildoers
u. Lit your good behavior in Christ

My Notes: 
Companion verses to the last post...

Monday, May 16, 2011

Chapter 4
2 bDevote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving;
3 praying at the same time cfor us as well, that God will open up to us a ddoor for ethe word, so that we may speak forth fthe mystery of Christ, for which I have also gbeen imprisoned;
4 that I may make it clear hin the way I ought to speak.
5 ijConduct yourselves with wisdom toward koutsiders, lmmaking the most of the opportunity.
6 nLet your speech always be owith grace, as though seasoned with psalt, so that you will know how you should qrespond to each person.

[Colossians 4:2-6 NASB] 

b. Acts 1:14; Eph 6:18
c. Eph 6:19
d. Acts 14:27
e. 2 Tim 4:2
f. Eph 3:3, 4; 6:19
g. Eph 6:20
h. Eph 6:20
i. Lit Walk
j. Eph 5:15
k. Mark 4:11
l. Lit redeeming the time
m. Eph 5:16
n. Eph 4:29
o. Or gracious
p. Mark 9:50
q. 1 Pet 3:15

My Notes: 

Know your audience and place yourself in their shoes. Listen to what you say through their ears before you say it. Some things can be taken the wrong way and it is vital that we speak with love, humility and genuine concern without fire and brimstone, or condescension.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Colossians 1:13-14

Chapter 1
The Incomparable Christ
13 zFor He rescued us from the abdomain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of cdHis beloved Son,  
14 ein whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. 
[Colossians 1:13-14 NASB]
z. Lit Who rescued
a. Lit authority
b. Eph 6:12
c. Lit the Son of His love
d. Eph 1:6
e. Rom 3:24

HCSB Study Bible Notes:
1:13-14 The reference to being rescued and transferred evokes OT imagery of God delivering His people from the grip of hostile oppressors (Ex 6:6; 14:30; Jdg 6:9; 8:34; Ps 18:19; 79:9; 86:14). Believers have been rescued from the realm of Satan's oppression (domain of darkness) by having been transferred to the realm of Christ, which is a kingdom "in the light" (v. 12). The means of this deliverance or exodus was accomplished at their redemption through the forgiveness of sins because of Christ's atoning work (vv. 15-22).

My Notes:

   God transfers us from the domain of darkness(our lives as lost sinners controlled by Satan and Sin) and delivers us to the kingdom of Jesus. This is done the moment we ask him into our hearts as our personal savoir. We can come as we are with just enough faith to make that first step towards Him. He is there waiting to receive us and take us from dark to light. After we are saved, with God's help, we can work towards removing the bonds of Sin and Satan's control over our life.
   Our preacher illustrated this with his son on stage. He bound him in a chair with masking tape(hands and feet) and blindfolded him. He asked him to stand up as a representation of his faith to make a decision to believe and accept Jesus Christ. Instead of freeing him of the blindfold and bonds...he simply picked him up and transferred him to the other side of the stage(from dark to light).  He then slowly helped him remove the blindfold and bindings to show how Christ helps us transform our lives and heal the wounds of our former selves. It takes time and work, but that is after salvation. The hostage needs to be evacuated as quickly as possible, then they can be tended to.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Colossians 1:9-12

Chapter 1
9 For this reason also, esince the day we heard of it,fwe have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the ghknowledge of His will in all spiritual iwisdom and understanding,
10 so that you will jwalk in a manner worthy of the Lord, klto please Him in all respects, mbearing fruit in every good work and nincreasing in the oknowledge of God;
11 pstrengthened with all power, according to qHis glorious might, rfor the attaining of all steadfastness and spatience; tjoyously
12 giving thanks to uthe Father, who has qualified us vto share in wthe inheritance of the xsaints in yLight.

[Colossians 1:9-12 NASB]
e. Col 1:4
f. Eph 1:16
g. Or real knowledge
h. Phil 1:9
i. Eph 1:17
j. Eph 4:1
k. Lit unto all pleasing
l. Eph 5:10
m. Rom 1:13
n. Or growing by the knowledge
o. Or real knowledge
p. 1 Cor 16:13
q. Lit the might of His glory
r. Lit unto all
s. Or patience with joy
t. Eph 4:2
u. Eph 2:18
v. Lit unto the portion of
w. Acts 20:32
x. Or holy ones
y. Acts 26:18

HCSB Study Bible Notes:
1:9 The opening phrase for this reason harks back to Epaphras's good report about the Colossian believers' faith in Christ. The word filled (the passive verb indicates God as causal agent) typically conveys the sense of "completeness" in Colossians (vv. 9,19,25; 2:9-10; 4:17). Paul asked that they receive full knowledge of His will. The phrase in all wisdom and spiritual understanding expresses the means through which this knowledge comes. This wisdom (v. 28; 2:3,23; 3:16; 4:5) and understanding are spiritual in nature.

1:10-12 The purpose of Paul's prayer was that the believers at Colossae might walk worthy of the Lord so that all their conduct would please Him. Christian behavior that pleases the Lord involves the performance of good deeds; continuous spiritual growth; dependence on His power resulting in endurance, patience, and joy; and expressing gratitude for all things because God enables believers to share in the saints' inheritance.

My Notes:
 These verses explain what Paul wants and prays for the believers in Colossae. These are the things that we should be praying for...for ourselves and others. We should, as believers, have a better understanding of our faith and we should ask God to help us to gain this understanding. We do this through prayer and study of His Word.

My prayer:
Lord, help me to understand your will for my life. Help me to have wisdom and understanding of your Word. Help me to know what my beliefs are based on and why I believe in salvation through Jesus Christ . Help me to use this wisdom and understanding to defend my faith and to apply it to my daily life so that others may see the joy and peace that comes only from You.