(note: I am not a writer and tend to ramble, but bear with me and hopefully this can be helpful to someone. The message is the main thing, but any writing criticism is welcome as well.)
"I am a Christian"
Making that statement to someone can bring all sorts of reactions. Some acknowledge the statement from the perspective of "Hey, that's great, me too!" Still others may react with sarcasm or disdainful statements like "Oh...you're one of those types." Fortunately, most are pretty polite about it, even if they are apathetic towards the whole thing. I usually try to simply live my life in a Christian manner and don't just offer the statement up unless it fits the conversation.
These days, Christianity can be synonymous with religion in its negative connotations, which is unfortunate. Christianity is really more about a relationship with Jesus than it is about religion and denomination. Some of the worst portrayal of Christianity is found in the media, as can be expected. Groups like the KKK and Westboro Baptist Church are prime examples of the extremes people go under the name of Christianity. If you are reading this, please...please don't think that things like this represent what we are all about,
I wanted to write this in order to share my faith in Jesus to all who care to read. I want to try and explain why and how I believe and how I try to share this through my life. I am not a "bible-thumper" and would never try to force anyone to believe in God & Jesus. It isn't possible to force anyone to truly believe in anything...you have to prove it to yourself.
I have not lead a perfect life by any means, nor have I always done what I should to "be a Christian." We are all human, and we have all been given free will by God to choose what we believe in and what we do with our lives. God wants us to love Him, and to choose good over evil. He sent his Son to die on the cross so that he would be the ultimate sacrifice for us in our sinful nature.
http://www.carm.org/christianity/christian-doctrine/jesus-saves This link gives the basics and is what I believe. I actually hesitated to put this link in because it is stated very matter of fact and serious, which it is. I hesitated, because even though what is said is true, to most it will come across as very harsh and unfeeling/clinical. I urge you to read it and take it to heart though. it is a very serious matter. When I share my faith, I try to explain the same truths, but people have to be talked to in a way they understand, and they have to see the example in how you live your life. Even writing this, I have to stop and think..."does this come across wrong", or "are people going to take this the way I mean?"
I feel like the bottom line is this: where do you want to spend eternity? We all die, and I cannot conceive of non-existence. Therefore, through the evidence of the world and from what I read in the Bible, I see two classic forces at work, good and evil. I certainly want to spend eternity with God in Heaven, rather than with Satan in Hell. Those are the two choices...that is it. I know, this is a product of my upbringing and my faith and some may think it narrow minded, but it makes sense to me. Accepting that Jesus is God's son, that he was sent to die for our salvation, and turning away from your sinful nature, is what will save you from eternal damnation. God asks nothing for this but your faith, love and acceptance.
Once you become a Christian...you will have no more problems and all will be great! Yeah, right. The old cliche' of "Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven" really has a lot of truth to it, even if it can come across as a little condescending. Yes, we are forgiven...but that doesn't mean that we have a free pass. Like I have said before, we are all human and we all make mistakes. Please don't let any one individual's or group's actions or words cause you to have a bad taste about Christianity. It comes down to you and God. Search out the truth yourself, even ask God to reveal Himself to you...he will listen. If you don't know what you believe, or you don't believe and want to challenge God...ask him to reveal His truth to you and I bet you will be surprised. Be willing to know the truth and it will be revealed to you.
OK, I told you that I ramble...sorry. This has been on my mind and I wanted to get it out in some form or another. Those of you that know me, know I am sincere in my beliefs and wish only the best for anyone. Please post comments, I don't really want to debate things as I am not a great debater, but if you have questions you want to ask, feel free and I will try to give you as good of an answer as I can give.
Take care and thanks for reading.